Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Today we drove to the end of the Kenai Peninsula to Homer. Homer is beautiful. 

We went to the end of the Homer Spit. The Spit is pretty funky. It reminded us a bit of Alki in Seattle, especially the traffic. 
We stopped at the Salty Dawg - which does not allow dogs, by the way. It was exactly as we thought it would be. Had a nice beer there. 

Lots of money on the walls. 

We took a walk through the boating area and then stopped at the Farmers Market for some nice vegetables to have with dinner. 

Tomorrow we plan on riding to the Spit on our tandem. We may even do a bit of shopping. We saw some things we liked today. 

1 comment:

  1. If you were to do a Shutterfly book of your travels I heartily suggest this top photo of flowers and mountain as the cover for your adventures. GORGEOUS>
