Monday, March 9, 2015

Morning, Noon and Night Quilt


I have been quilting for the last month and finally finished the queen sized quilt I promised my daughter for Christmas. I used Atkinson's "Morning, Noon and Night" pattern to make the quilt. It is frightening how long it takes to finish a quilt. This is the largest one I have made in my first year of quilting. 

I spent a full day at my local quilt shop (Prints Charming) using the long arm to quilt the top and back. I used circular quilting, as the quilt itself has rectangular blocks. Here is a close up of part of the quilting. 

The colors I used follow the original pattern fairly closely, although I used some black and purple, too. I also bound the quilt with purple, as my daughter and her boyfriend both love Ravens colors. I sure hope they like the quilt. 

Here is the quilt in its new home on its new bed. I am sure it will be used well.