Saturday, July 26, 2014

Anchorage and the Mountain Again

Today we continued our drive to Anchorage. Denali came out to join us and we took some more photos.
We found a camp site at JB Elmendorf-Richardson tonight. They don't accept reservations so we were lucky to get it. 
Then we went downtown and found a quilt shop I wanted to visit.

We walked around a bit and then decided to try another brew pub, this time the Glacier Brewing one. Great food again. What is it with these pubs? They are not supposed to be great, but the last two have been. I am including a photo of Mike enjoying his beer. He got his hair cut before we left Ft. Wainwright and it is WAY too short. I won't approve a cut like that again. Not that I have anything to say about it, I suppose. 

Tomorrow we plan to ride the Coastal Trail. That should be fun! 

1 comment:

  1. Sure are a lot of references to QUILT shops in this blog!!!! PS Rita, yes that haircut is TOO short. It even goes beyond Navy regs. heheheheeh
