Friday, February 17, 2017

Hemet, California

We have spent the last week at Annette's in Southern California. The other day we drove Joshua Tree National Park from one end to the other. The diversity of the park was something I did not expect, from ocotillo to calla to the Joshua trees themselves. The topography with its varied rocks was beautiful.

Ocotillo - not in bloom yet though. 

Calla. Don't touch. 

A grove of Joshua Trees. 

This rock formation was called The Face. 

We drove up to Keys View, one of the highest points in the park.  The view was gorgeous, as the usual haze was gone. We saw San Jacinto to the south and San Gorgonio to the east, plus the Coachella Valley below. It was such a beautiful day to visit the park. 

Annette took us on a winery tour on Sunday, and even took me to quilt shops - my addiction.

Yesterday we drove up to Simpson Park here in Hemet. The Diamond Valley spread out below us, along with a closer view of San Jacinto. Tomorrow we head north. 

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