Tuesday, June 21, 2016

To Minnesota to Celebrate A 90th Birthday

We are heading to Minnesota to celebrate Mike's Mom's 90th birthday - 6 months early - as she is a Christmas baby. We are taking our time, so I can visit quilt shops on the way. We can also just stop when we want. Yesterday we camped in Zanesville, Ohio. The photo is of the public library. We spent some time there trying to get away from the heat. We were going to stop at the museum too, but it isn't open on Mondays. 

We did manage to stop at a restaurant we have eaten at previously, as it has terrific pizza! 

I visited 4 quilt shops already. Probably a bit of overkill, but Mike doesn't mind as long as he gets plenty of coffee stops. 

The brand new Starbucks we stopped at this morning is right next to a cemetery that had to be preserved, thus the parking lot is an interesting one. The drive through is one-way with a sign to that effect and an exit only sign. I liked that and took a photo. 

Tonight we will stop in Illinois and then on to Iowa and Minnesota. The party will be great! Can't wait to see everyone! 

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