Monday, March 9, 2015

Morning, Noon and Night Quilt


I have been quilting for the last month and finally finished the queen sized quilt I promised my daughter for Christmas. I used Atkinson's "Morning, Noon and Night" pattern to make the quilt. It is frightening how long it takes to finish a quilt. This is the largest one I have made in my first year of quilting. 

I spent a full day at my local quilt shop (Prints Charming) using the long arm to quilt the top and back. I used circular quilting, as the quilt itself has rectangular blocks. Here is a close up of part of the quilting. 

The colors I used follow the original pattern fairly closely, although I used some black and purple, too. I also bound the quilt with purple, as my daughter and her boyfriend both love Ravens colors. I sure hope they like the quilt. 

Here is the quilt in its new home on its new bed. I am sure it will be used well. 


  1. Reminds me of the hanging quilt at St.Mary of Sorrows they use during Lent and Easter... starts off dark and purple in one corner and inches up to brighter colors and brightness in the top corner. NICE JOB... definitely Michelle's colors too.

  2. Beautiful! It's lovely! It's hard to believe you've only been quilting for a year!
